
In the summer of 1984 a baby girl was born. Verlena birthed a baby girl who she named Zundria Grainshilett. With her mom being a seamstress she always dressed her up as a doll. By age six a trendsetter she had become. With her mom entering her into pageants and dance, she found her passion for the arts. Later attending college majoring in dance, fashion merchandising, & interior design.

As of today, Zundria has decided to pursue her dream in fashion. To watch fashion fade out was a catastrophe in the eyes of someone like her-self who lives for fashion. Seeing so many young ladies in spandex and young gentlemen in saggy garments was her cue that there was an opening for something refreshing. Shilett Regalia feels the need to bring back class to a society where fashion statements can stand to raise its voice and trendsetters are naked. It was created to bring back clothing that answers questions.